The Sip Collection

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  • Harrier Whisky 750ml


    Harrier is an international award winning whisky. Harrier is an expert blend of just the right combination of 100% distilled and matured South African whiskies, appreciated by those with an astute whisky palate.

    Harrier is perfect for sharing and enjoying it your preferred way with friends.

    No frills no fuss just good honest whisky.


    On the Nose:
    A warm, delicate, inviting nose with hints o f hone y, toffee and biscuity sweetness.
    On the Pallet:
    A well-balanced whisky which serves a gentle sweetness reminiscent from being predominantly grain driven. Followed by spicy notes that develop from the minimum three years spent in American Oak bringing with it, coffee, cereal and a light smokiness.
    A soft, easy sipping whisky, with crisp flavours from the perfect balance between spirit and oak delivering a long, clean finish.