The Sip Collection

Showing 17–32 of 46 results

  • Klipdrift & Cola Cans 24 x 440ml

    When you take the FINEST QUALITY GRAPES and decades of expertise, and combine it with a legendary brandy-making process of distillation, maturation and blending – you create quality, harmony and the very distinctive Klipdrift taste.

    The original brandy mixer now with the BENEFIT OF ZERO SUGAR. Klipdrift & Cola Zero combines the perfect amount of REAL POT STILL BRANDY WITH ZERO SUGAR COLA to recreate the original taste, without the guilt. Rich, full flavour and aromas at only 23 Calories per 100ml makes for another kind of convenient and refreshing taste of gold.

  • Klipdrift & Cola 6 X 440ml


    The original brandy mixer, Klipdrift & Cola combines just the right amount of REAL POT STILL BRANDY WITH CLASSIC COLA, so that the rich full flavour and aromas are joined by perfectly sweet notes to offer up the most convenient and refreshing taste of gold.

  • Klipdrift & Cola 24x275ml


    When you take the FINEST QUALITY GRAPES and decades of expertise, and combine it with a legendary brandy-making process of distillation, maturation and blending – you create quality, harmony and the very distinctive Klipdrift taste.

  • Klipdrift & Cola 6 X 275ml


    The original brandy mixer, Klipdrift & Cola combines just the right amount of REAL POT STILL BRANDY WITH CLASSIC COLA, so that the rich full flavour and aromas are joined by perfectly sweet notes to offer up the most convenient and refreshing taste of gold.

  • Klipdrift & Cola Zero Sugar – 24x275ml NRB


    When you take the FINEST QUALITY GRAPES and decades of expertise, and combine it with a legendary brandy-making process of distillation, maturation and blending – you create quality, harmony and the very distinctive Klipdrift taste.

    The original brandy mixer now with the BENEFIT OF ZERO SUGAR. Klipdrift & Cola Zero combines the perfect amount of REAL POT STILL BRANDY WITH ZERO SUGAR COLA to recreate the original taste, without the guilt. Rich, full flavour and aromas at only 23 Calories per 100ml makes for another kind of convenient and refreshing taste of gold.

  • Klipdrift & Cola Zero Sugar – 6x275ml NRB

    When you take the FINEST QUALITY GRAPES and decades of expertise, and combine it with a legendary brandy-making process of distillation, maturation and blending – you create quality, harmony and the very distinctive Klipdrift taste.

    The original brandy mixer now with the BENEFIT OF ZERO SUGAR. Klipdrift & Cola Zero combines the perfect amount of REAL POT STILL BRANDY WITH ZERO SUGAR COLA to recreate the original taste, without the guilt. Rich, full flavour and aromas at only 23 Calories per 100ml makes for another kind of convenient and refreshing taste of gold.

  • Bernini Amber 300ml can

    Bernini Amber is a real sparkling spritzer made from wine in the orange Rosé wine style with hints of peach and apricot and delicate bubbles. Orange Rosé wines are created using white grapes with their skins on for a deeper colour.

    Bernini Amber has a 4,5% alcohol volume and is best served cold.

    Available in 275ml bottles, 500ml and 300ml cans.

    Store in a cool dry place away from extreme conditions of light, heat and cold.

    Bottles can be stored unopened in original packaging and under controlled storage conditions for 12 months and cans for 8 months.

  • Bernini Blush 300ml can

    Bernini Blush is a real sparkling spritzer made from wine in the Rosé wine style with hints of floral notes and delicate bubbles. A Rosé wine uses lighter skinned red grapes with fruity characteristics.

    Bernini Blush has a 4.5% alcohol by volume and is best served cold.

    Available in 275ml bottles, 500ml and 300ml cans.

    Store in a cool dry place away from extreme conditions of light, heat and cold.

    Bottles can be stored unopened in original packaging and under controlled storage conditions for 12 months and cans for 8 months.

  • Savanna Dry 4x (6x330ml) Bottle


    It’s an icon. It’s a whole mood. And the people have proved time and time again that Savanna Dry is SA’s most loved cider.

    Why? Well, we’d like to think it comes down to its crisp and refreshing apple flavour. Or that it’s a dry, distinctive cider for easy, anytime drinking. Or it’s equation: apples + fermentation + micro-filtering + chill filtering = Savanna Dry.

    But the truth it’s just a vibe. It’s South Ahh’s vibe since 1996.

  • Hunter’s Dry 24 X 440ml Can

    A natural blend of fresh apples delivering a distinctive refreshing dry cider

  • Extreme 6 X 275ml Bottle


    Extreme delivers a unique bitter-sweet apple taste that boosts your energy with caffeine and guarana. 275ml

  • Savanna Alcohol Free 0.0% 4X (6X330ML) Bottle

    A crisp, dry and refreshing non-alcoholic drink, with characteristics of fruity apple, lemon and sweet-sour tartness.

    What’s in the box
    24 x Hunter’s Chilled Non Alcohol 330ml NRB

  • Hunter’s Chilled 0.0 Alc Free 6 X 330ml


    A crisp, dry and refreshing non-alcoholic drink, with characteristics of fruity apple, lemon and sweet-sour tartness.

  • Savanna Dry Can 500ml X 6


    It has a little acidic and bitter sour apple scent that is medium-light. It’s semi-sweet, tangy, and mildly aromatic, with a faint bite in the tongue. Flavours of Granny Smith and Macintosh apples can be detected. It grows more tangy and bitter towards the end.