The Sip Collection

Showing 49–64 of 216 results

  • Klipdrift & Cola 6 X 440ml


    The original brandy mixer, Klipdrift & Cola combines just the right amount of REAL POT STILL BRANDY WITH CLASSIC COLA, so that the rich full flavour and aromas are joined by perfectly sweet notes to offer up the most convenient and refreshing taste of gold.

  • Klipdrift & Cola 24x275ml


    When you take the FINEST QUALITY GRAPES and decades of expertise, and combine it with a legendary brandy-making process of distillation, maturation and blending – you create quality, harmony and the very distinctive Klipdrift taste.

  • Klipdrift & Cola 6 X 275ml


    The original brandy mixer, Klipdrift & Cola combines just the right amount of REAL POT STILL BRANDY WITH CLASSIC COLA, so that the rich full flavour and aromas are joined by perfectly sweet notes to offer up the most convenient and refreshing taste of gold.

  • Klipdrift & Cola Zero Sugar – 24x275ml NRB


    When you take the FINEST QUALITY GRAPES and decades of expertise, and combine it with a legendary brandy-making process of distillation, maturation and blending – you create quality, harmony and the very distinctive Klipdrift taste.

    The original brandy mixer now with the BENEFIT OF ZERO SUGAR. Klipdrift & Cola Zero combines the perfect amount of REAL POT STILL BRANDY WITH ZERO SUGAR COLA to recreate the original taste, without the guilt. Rich, full flavour and aromas at only 23 Calories per 100ml makes for another kind of convenient and refreshing taste of gold.

  • Klipdrift & Cola Zero Sugar – 6x275ml NRB

    When you take the FINEST QUALITY GRAPES and decades of expertise, and combine it with a legendary brandy-making process of distillation, maturation and blending – you create quality, harmony and the very distinctive Klipdrift taste.

    The original brandy mixer now with the BENEFIT OF ZERO SUGAR. Klipdrift & Cola Zero combines the perfect amount of REAL POT STILL BRANDY WITH ZERO SUGAR COLA to recreate the original taste, without the guilt. Rich, full flavour and aromas at only 23 Calories per 100ml makes for another kind of convenient and refreshing taste of gold.

  • Amarula Ethiopian Coffee 750ml


    Amarula Ethiopian Coffee combines real marula fruit with real coffee extracts. Experience our unique and flavourful marula essence with undertones of single-origin Ethiopian Arabica beans, full-bodied and fragrant.

    A delicate blend of wild Ethiopian Arabica beans. Taste mocha-chocolate with creamy notes of marula, citrus and caramel. It’s a drinking experience like no other, made for sharing.


  • Harrier Whisky 750ml


    Harrier is an international award winning whisky. Harrier is an expert blend of just the right combination of 100% distilled and matured South African whiskies, appreciated by those with an astute whisky palate.

    Harrier is perfect for sharing and enjoying it your preferred way with friends.

    No frills no fuss just good honest whisky.


    On the Nose:
    A warm, delicate, inviting nose with hints o f hone y, toffee and biscuity sweetness.
    On the Pallet:
    A well-balanced whisky which serves a gentle sweetness reminiscent from being predominantly grain driven. Followed by spicy notes that develop from the minimum three years spent in American Oak bringing with it, coffee, cereal and a light smokiness.
    A soft, easy sipping whisky, with crisp flavours from the perfect balance between spirit and oak delivering a long, clean finish.

  • Drostdy Hof Grand Cru 5L


    A versatile wine that can be savoured on its own or with seafood, white meats and salads.

  • Drostdy Hof Grand Cru 3L

    A versatile wine that can be savoured on its own or with seafood, white meats and salads.

  • Drostdy Hof Natural Sweet Rose 3L


    This wine can be served chilled as an aperitif. It is also an ideal mealtime wine, complimenting anything from salads and snacks to rich meat dishes.
    Colour: Bright ruby color.
    Bouquet: Light and fruity.
    Palate: Soft and refreshing with a clean, sweet finish.

  • Nederburg Classic Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Nederburg’s core range of varietal and blended wines is an expression of its proud legacy of winemaking excellence, dating back to 1791. These classically styled, foodfriendly wines with abundant fruit flavours, elegance and finesse, treasure the integrity of the grapes in every step of the wine-growing and winemaking journey. Every drop demonstrates an unwavering commitment to world-class vineyard and cellar skills.

  • Nederburg Classic Merlot


    This popular range of premium wines honours generations of Nederburg winemakers collaborating with nature to bring you these classically styled, food-friendly wines.

    The grapes were sourced from top-performing vineyards situated in the Darling, Cape Town and Stellenbosch wine-growing areas. The vines are grown in granite and sandstone soils with good water-holding capacity, resulting in grapes with a higher natural acidity and resulting freshness. Open vineyard canopies bring about greater sunlight penetration of the grape bunches, contributing to a well-balanced acidity, in turn contributing to better tannin structure and fruit expression as well as deeper colour intensity.