The Sip Collection

Showing 177–192 of 236 results

  • Viceroy Potstill 10yo 750ml


    The Viceroy Ten-year-old is what comes out when craftsmanship meets character and patience.
    Traditionally double-distilled for at least 10 years, this drink is a treat enjoyed best neat, with ice or a dash of water.

    It is exceptionally smooth and enriched with the aromas of red berries and a taste that evokes notes of tobacco malt and coffee.

    Alcohol content: 38%

  • Viceroy 5yo 750ml


    If versatility is what you are looking for, then Viceroy Five-year- old is the drink you are looking for. This blended brandy boasts
    aromas of toffee, balanced by a distinctly ripe apricot character and undertone of sweet spice.

    Meant for any-occasion drinking with friends and family, Viceroy Five-year-old can be enjoyed either neat, with water or with a mixer such as ginger ale.

    Alcohol content: 43%

  • Two Oceans Sauvignon Blanc 750ml


    An elegant, crisp wine displaying ripe granadilla flavours on the fore pallet, followed by a hint of lime that lingers on the aftertaste. A versatile wine, to be enjoyed on its own and is also paired excellently with fish, pasta and poultry dishes.

  • Two Oceans Cabernet Sauvignon / Merlot 750ml


    Medium-bodied and well-balanced with a smooth entry, layered with soft fruit and an underlying touch of oak. Excellent served with red meat dishes such as roast lamb, stews and casseroles, grilled meat and Carpaccio, as well as robust pasta dishes.

  • Three Ships Single Malt 10yo 750ml


    South Africa’s first single malt was released in 2003 and 4 times thereafter. The 2007 vintage marks the third release of the Three Ships Whisky 10 Year Old single malt carrying a vintage statement – a true celebration of why different is worth doing.

  • Three Ships Select 750ml

    Since its first release over 40 years ago, the distinct, smooth taste of our Three Ships Whisky Select has evolved and matured for the modern whisky drinker’s everyday needs.

  • Three Ships Select 1l

    Since its first release over 40 years ago, the distinct, smooth taste of our Three Ships Whisky Select has evolved and matured for the modern whisky drinker’s everyday needs.

  • Three Ships Premium Select 5yo 750ml


    Our multiple award-winning Three Ships Whisky 5 Year Old Premium Select is a beautifully balanced, dignified whisky. This artful blend of grain and malt whiskies, crafted by Master Distiller, Andy Watts, is a tribute to the time Andy spent on the Isle of Islay where many years ago, he fell in love with the island and its iconic peaty whiskies. The whisky spends 5 years in oak developing its aromatic, full peaty and fruity character.

  • Sedgwick’s The Original Old Brown 750ml

    Sedgwick’s Old Brown embodies originality in every sense. After all, it is The Original. The brand was launched in 1916, making it South Africa’s first and original old brown. Sedgwick’s has gained cult status amongst many South Africans across race, age and income. With its instantly recognisable nutty brown colour and distinct, Spanish Oloroso style sweetness, the “Original” is one of the oldest liquor brands in South Africa, and still one of the most enjoyed.

  • Sedgwick’s The Original Old Brown 2l

    Sedgwick’s Old Brown embodies originality in every sense. After all, it is The Original. The brand was launched in 1916, making it South Africa’s first and original old brown. Sedgwick’s has gained cult status amongst many South Africans across race, age and income. With its instantly recognisable nutty brown colour and distinct, Spanish Oloroso style sweetness, the “Original” is one of the oldest liquor brands in South Africa, and still one of the most enjoyed.

  • Sedgwick’s The Original Old Brown 1l


    Sedgwick’s Old Brown embodies originality in every sense. After all, it is The Original. The brand was launched in 1916, making it South Africa’s first and original old brown. Sedgwick’s has gained cult status amongst many South Africans across race, age and income. With its instantly recognisable nutty brown colour and distinct, Spanish Oloroso style sweetness, the “Original” is one of the oldest liquor brands in South Africa, and still one of the most enjoyed.

  • Savanna Light 6 X 330ml Bottle


    Savanna Light is a South African apple cider, it is available in 6 pack. It’s the cider of choice for persons who enjoy life’s brighter moments.

  • Savanna Angry Lemon 4x (6x330ml)


    Firstly, our lemons aren’t really angry, it’s just a dope name.
    So please don’t worry about our lemons – they’re living their
    best lives.

    Secondly, Savanna Angry Lemon is nothing more than the classic Savanna story with a zesty lemon plot twist. That refreshing apple flavour is still our hero, but this time it has an angry lemon sidekick.

    And lastly, it’s back by very, very popular demand.

  • Savanna Angry Lemon 2x (6x500ml)


    Firstly, our lemons aren’t really angry, it’s just a dope name.
    So please don’t worry about our lemons – they’re living their
    best lives.

    Secondly, Savanna Angry Lemon is nothing more than the classic Savanna story with a zesty lemon plot twist. That refreshing apple flavour is still our hero, but this time it has an angry lemon sidekick.

    And lastly, it’s back by very, very popular demand.

  • Richelieu International 750ml


    The art of rich, rewarding brandy begins with an elegant-tasting glass of Richelieu International.

    With aromas reminiscent of ripe plums and prunes, vanilla, mocha and almonds – this French favourite has a refreshing, full-bodied flavour on the palate with a smooth, clean and dry finish. Its mellow maturity flows from years in casks of French oak, with richness derived from the fine art of the distinct French copper pot distillation. Capturing the prestige of contemporary France, we’ve combined breeding, purity, mellowness and maturity to produce a rich and rewarding, full-bodied brandy.

    We recommend mixing Richelieu International French style with a South African twist – that means with a splash of something sweet.

  • Richelieu International (Oval) 1l


    The art of rich, rewarding brandy begins with an elegant-tasting glass of Richelieu International.

    With aromas reminiscent of ripe plums and prunes, vanilla, mocha and almonds – this French favourite has a refreshing, full-bodied flavour on the palate with a smooth, clean and dry finish. Its mellow maturity flows from years in casks of French oak, with richness derived from the fine art of the distinct French copper pot distillation. Capturing the prestige of contemporary France, we’ve combined breeding, purity, mellowness and maturity to produce a rich and rewarding, full-bodied brandy.

    We recommend mixing Richelieu International French style with a South African twist – that means with a splash of something sweet.