The Sip Collection

Showing 17–32 of 86 results

  • Nederburg Classic Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

    Nederburg’s core range of varietal and blended wines is an expression of its proud legacy of winemaking excellence, dating back to 1791. These classically styled, foodfriendly wines with abundant fruit flavours, elegance and finesse, treasure the integrity of the grapes in every step of the wine-growing and winemaking journey. Every drop demonstrates an unwavering commitment to world-class vineyard and cellar skills.

  • Nederburg Classic Merlot


    This popular range of premium wines honours generations of Nederburg winemakers collaborating with nature to bring you these classically styled, food-friendly wines.

    The grapes were sourced from top-performing vineyards situated in the Darling, Cape Town and Stellenbosch wine-growing areas. The vines are grown in granite and sandstone soils with good water-holding capacity, resulting in grapes with a higher natural acidity and resulting freshness. Open vineyard canopies bring about greater sunlight penetration of the grape bunches, contributing to a well-balanced acidity, in turn contributing to better tannin structure and fruit expression as well as deeper colour intensity.

  • Nederburg Classic Chenin Blanc


    Nederburg’s core range of varietal and blended wines is an expression of its proud legacy of winemaking excellence, dating back to 1791. These classically styled, foodfriendly wines with abundant fruit flavours, elegance and finesse, treasure the integrity of the grapes in every step of the wine-growing and winemaking journey. Every drop demonstrates an unwavering commitment to world-class vineyard and cellar skills.

  • Nederburg Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml


    This popular range of premium wines honours generations of Nederburg winemakers collaborating with nature to bring you these classically styled, food-friendly wines.

    The grapes were sourced from top-performing vineyards situated in the Darling, Stellenbosch and Paarl wine-growing areas. The vines are grown in granite, sandstone and shale soils, resulting in grapes with a higher natural acidity and resulting freshness. Open vineyard canopies bring about greater sunlight penetration of the grape bunches, contributing to a well-balanced acidity, in turn contributing to better tannin structure and fruit expression as well as deeper colour intensity.

  • 4th Street Natural Sweet Red (6 x 1.5L)


    From rooftop bars to house parties – 4th STREET is ready for any occasion and the awesome possibilities they offer. The range of 4th STREET Wines includes a Sweet Red, Sweet White, Sweet Rosé and Sweet Late Harvest. All are easy-drinking, refreshing and naturally sweet wines – bursting with fruity flavours.

    4th STREET is ready for any occasion, and the awesome possibilities they offer – whether large or small, every event is worth celebrating.

    Choose to go 4th and access awesome – you’re just one sip away from adventure and excitement

  • 4th Street Natural Sweet White 3l


    From rooftop bars to house parties – 4th STREET is ready for any occasion and the awesome possibilities they offer. The range of 4th STREET Wines includes a Sweet Red, Sweet White, Sweet Rosé and Sweet Late Harvest. All are easy-drinking, refreshing and naturally sweet wines – bursting with fruity flavours.

    But keep it cool, this Natural Sweet White, is best served chilled.

    4th STREET is ready for any occasion, and the awesome possibilities they offer – whether large or small, every event is worth celebrating.

    Choose to go 4th and access awesome – you’re just one sip away from adventure and excitement.

  • Durbanville Hills Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml


    This wine holds a delightful aroma of sweet ripe plums and prunes with dark chocolate, cigar box and hints of cinnamon.

    An elegant, medium to full-bodied wine with silky tannins, lingering dark fruit and hints of dark chocolate.

  • Durbanville Hills Chardonnay 750ml


    Aromas of citrus, pineapple, peaches, apricot and green apple.

    This soft, easy drinking wine holds an abundance of yellow-peaches, pineapple and grape fruit that ends with a sweet sensation.

  • Durbanville Hills Chenin Blanc Light 750ml


    Vibrant tropical fruit, ripe pear, lime, pineapple, paw-paw, and floral notes.

    Refreshing with a perfect balance between fresh fruit flavours and a crisp acidity.

  • Durbanville Hills Chenin Blanc 750ml


    Ripe apricots, passion fruit, apricot, peaches, candyfloss and hints of orange aromas.

    The concentrated fruit carries through from the nose onto the palate and blends seamlessly with prominent guava and citrus flavous. Full rounded wine with lingering aftertaste.

  • Durbanville Hills Merlot Rose 750ml


    Inviting sweet strawberries, raspberries, grapefruit, lime and rose petal aromas.

    Elegant wine with concentrated sweet mixed berries, rose petals and lime.

  • Durbanville Hills Merlot 750ml


    Combination of blueberries with hints of mint and vanilla followed by a sweet wood spice.

    A medium-bodied wine with sweet berry fruit on the palate, rounded off with silky tannins and a full, lingering mouth-feel.

  • Durbanville Hills Pinotage 750ml


    Combination of sweet red fruit such as cherry, raspberry, strawberry, prunes and plums with sweet wood spice and undertones of vanilla in the background.

    This medium bodied wine evokes a sweet sensation on the palate with hints of red cherries and plums. It is well balanced with silky tannins and lingering wood spice.

  • Durbanville Hills Sauvignon Blanc (6 x 750ml)


    Delightful combination of ripe citrus, passion fruit, winter melon, mango, gooseberries, pineapple and hints of green grassy notes.

    Full-bodied wine with a refreshing crisp acidity ending with a combination of tropical fruit and citrus.

  • Durbanville Hills Shiraz Light 750ml


    Dark chocolate with hints of toffee, sweet spice that reminds of Christmas fruit cake, plums and prunes.

    Delicate, full-bodied wine with dark sweet fruit, an elegant tannin structure and hints of sweet spice in the background.